WHY DID MARGARET THATCHER SPEND VAST AMOUNTS OF CASH IN THE COURTS TRYING TO SUPPRESS THE BOOK 'SPYCATCHER' written by the former assistant director of MI5? Well, in that book we see that the 'Russian Revolution' and the subsequent Communist 'Cold War' were PsyOps designed to enslave and petrify millions of Eastern European people and Russians. It was one huge hoax - designed to cripple the Russian economy and allow the British royals to strive forward without worry of competition from Russia.
The KGB was heavily infiltrated by MI6. For example, all letters sent from one Russian to another were re-routed to THAMES HOUSE in London and steamed open and read before being allowed to reach the recipient in Russia. TSAR NICHOLAS was related to KING GEORGE - they are the same family. The official story is that the Russian Royals all 'fell down a mine shaft and died' but they actually ended up in Marbella stage-managing 'Communism' along with the Georgian Bagration family. Do your own research. You'll see that Communism and the EU SuperState are all creations of the British super-rich Illuminati families.
Picture shows King George V (right) and his cousin Tsar Nicholas II of Russia in German military uniforms in Berlin. Catherine the Great was the Empress of Russia and was a member of the Bavarian Illuminati and a house guest of Jakob Frank. Their mutual friend was head of the Rothschild banking empire. Confused? You won't be if you watch the in-depth documentaries on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL.