THE AUSCHWITZ BABY BOOM The most effective ammunition one can use to blow-up the official Fairy Tale of the Holocaust TM consists of the many inadvertent admissions that the enemies of truth let slip out from time to time. Indeed, one can wreck the entire Holohoax tale just by using such admissions, and nothing else.
Some examples -- the Holohoaxers themselves admit that:
Forensic tests on the "gas chambers" do not reveal any trace of "gas" or "poison".
Millions of corpses or remains were never discovered.
There is no German documentation of any mass killings.
Tales of Jews being made into bars of soap and lamp shades were invented.
Zyklon B was a pesticide developed to kill typhus-lice, not people.
The Holocaust story relies heavily upon Soviet reports.
Soccer games and other forms of entertainment took place in the camps.
The International Red Cross had access to all camps and never mentioned any mass killings.
Some Jewish "survivors" claimed they knew nothing about "gas chambers" in Auschwitz.
Millions of corpses or remains were never discovered.
There is no German documentation of any mass killings.
Tales of Jews being made into bars of soap and lamp shades were invented.
Zyklon B was a pesticide developed to kill typhus-lice, not people.
The Holocaust story relies heavily upon Soviet reports.
Soccer games and other forms of entertainment took place in the camps.
The International Red Cross had access to all camps and never mentioned any mass killings.
Some Jewish "survivors" claimed they knew nothing about "gas chambers" in Auschwitz.
Of course, after being forced to make these huge concessions, the hoaxsters always return with the psychopathic "yeah but" -- that goes something like this: "Yes, it is indeed true that (insert any of the above), but blah, blah, blah -- the Holocaust still happened." String enough of these "yeah buts" together and the silly story begins to take on ridiculous proportions. Michael King