KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!! A three feet long slender missile crashes through your window and blasts your granddad to smithereens just as he is putting the fairy on top of the Christmas Tree. You heard no plane. You had no warning…. IT WAS A DRONE. You don't know who sent that killer drone. You don't know why your granddad was targeted. One minute he was there and the next minute he's wall jam.
The CIA drone killing programme in Pakistan has already killed more than300 people - 179 of them have been children. Instead of imprisoning without due legal process, the CIA and White House are now executing people daily. President Obama personally signs off each day’s ‘kill list’ wearing his NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, and even authorised the killing of a US citizen along with his teenage son. Obama's puppet masters have moved away from the failed Guantánamo Bay abduction, torture and detention strategy to DRONE EXECUTIONS. Of course, like I have said many ties before, a Drone is the Judge, Jury and Executioner in one lethal, silent package. These Drones are having a major 'radicalising' effect. Yes, hear my words - it's not preachers at mosques handing out magazines which are having the primary effect of 'radicalising' muslim people. It's these drones. Which kill innocent children - even though these drone missiles are meant to be 'laser guided'.
2.5 million people have been killed in war and invasions which are justified by the events of 9/11. More than 300 people have been executed using DRONE MISSILES - about 179 of those were innocent children. More than 100,000 people in Iraq - again, innocent people not responsible in any way for 9/11 nor any terrorism - died because MEDICINE was blocked by the USA and UK from entering Iraq. Billions of barrels of CRUDE OIL have been stolen from invaded countries, such as Libya, creating a GLUT on the world oil market and a slump in Russia's economy. AND YET HARDLY NONE OF THOSE EVENTS HAVE BEEN FAITHFULLY REPORTED BY THE MAINSTREAM NEWS… Therefore, normal everyday people all over the world have voluntarily started filming NEWS REPORTS with their cam-phones - it's called "DNN" the world Digital News Network - it's funded by subscriptions and donations by ordinary people - not big corporations.